Altered social relations

Here we develop the principle that in the foprop pattern language of making a living economy, each pattern frames a substantial practical alteration - and thus a resolution (perhaps local, perhaps more general) - of some clash of RoPs, in the ordering of some larger or smaller constellation of FoPs: a piece of the living historical fabric of life and work.

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We take here the view that, as activists, we're engaged in radically altering relations of production, in all spheres. Relations of production determine the 'shape' and articulation and dynamics of forces of production (again, in all spheres).

The central purpose of foprop as a pattern language is to highlight altered relations of production in the practice of making a living economy. In this section we look at altered relations of production in the cultural landscape, in terms of tools for conviviality.

Altered relations of production - The rationale of foprop