An aspiration for peace

Here we highlight how the profoundly urgent matter of war and violence relates to making a a living economy, and the ways that peace and responses to present violence are in the foprop weave, across all zones of reach: care work, subsistence work, formaciĆ³n work, stewarding work.

> Within a short-term tactical selection of topics in the foprop weave, these matters of peace and violence are engaged under 'Seven Rs' and pluriverse. Tactics in the foprop project

Here we engage with the means of visioning and enacting pluriversal relations in making a living economy. A framing of 'seven Rs' of activist commitment underpins a commitment to design justice in the cultivation of infrastructure and tools, and to social justice in the evolution of Living economy.

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# In-here The long march through the 'emotional institutions'.

The end of suffering for all beings, down through the generations. Dhamma insights and cues, in making a living economy. Dhamma cues - to be added xxx

A fundamental dimension of making a living economy is the remaking on the heart-mind, so that humans can stand in truly altered, generous, well founded relationships with humans and with the more-than-human, in deep time. We speak of this as 'care work'.

# The force that is not violence The force that is not violence - to be developed xxx xxx fiat - the power of bodies - as distinct from discourse; doing as well as speaking, material ownership/subordination

Non-violent mass action: and other altered relations in the (re)production of culture. Tools for conviviality

xxx the power of stuff ('that which resists'), the force of infrastructure(ing)

# Resistance, re-making, regime change xxx These fields within the Seven Rs are the ones most directly concerned with matters of material force

xxx Violence (and non-violent mass action). Global civil society, blessed unrest, global tapestry of alternatives, decolonialising

Altered relations of productionin 'the machineries' of the real economy. Machineries of intermediation

Here we develop the core principle of infrastructuring in the commons as a basis of a living economy. Infrastructuring is an 'over the horizon' perspective, placed alongside - and in parity with, and complementing - the matching principle of care work: meeting the clear and present needs of actual people, 'here'. Power(s) and skills of distinct kinds are implicated.

# Fundamentalisms - and radical, open-hearted plurality

Here we develop the rationale of pluriverse, as movement beyond the modernist fantasy of universalised institutions, practices of knowing, forms of provisioning for need, formations of living, frames of value(ing).

xxx The arrogant confidence of supremacists; a robust humility in blessed unrest?

The practice of making a living economy rests in the foundational commitment of 'blessed unrest' in the mutual sector - global civil society, in its economic aspect - in the face of clear and present danger.

# The force of wealth and ownership - and a global tapestry of alternatives xxx Commoning, dual power xxx Uneven development, decolonial formations

Here we develop the perspective of making a living economy through activity in the commons, as a practice of dual power. The powers are **dual** because the practice embodies radically altered relations of production in economic, cultural and aesthetic landscapes.