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The dance of knowing
Explicit (in language, speaking-of) - Conceptualising - Storying - ¿story*telling*?
Engaging as object - Conceptualising - Skill
Engaging as subject - Storytelling - Genre
Here we map various dimensions of practice that constitute knowing and capability in the collective, in terms of a generative dance of knowing. Literacy, rigour and fluency in this dance are fundamental in formación: evolving, supporting and sustaining the activist formations that make a living economy.
Dances are common in foprop. They can be seen as indicating struggles, or situations where elements in tension may be reconciled by skilful 'dancing' or weaving of elements.
In conceptualising practices of cultural production, I'll use a mapping of practice which was proposed by Noam Cook & John Seely Brown at Xerox PARC in the 90s. They call it 'the generative dance of knowing'