Dances can be much more complex than the basic 2x2 'dance' schema implies. For example, in the landscape of the heart-mind, life is lived as a 'dance of selfing-and-othering' which operates continuously, at every moment, but extends over a lifetime.
The dance of Selfing-and-Othering V = vedana, P = sañña (perceptions) and F = sankhara (mental formations)
This schema represents the process of **dependent origination** that is described in buddhist dhamma traditions - a theory of mind, perception and action. Dances occur at every location in this schema. Thus, for example, the dance between Equanimity, Suchness, Compassion and Open heart, which cascades back into the moment-by-moment habitation of experience, can be looked at as a dance of Graceful movement of awareness and intention. This dance operates at 'F' in the schema above: the moment in which sankhara (mental formations) are mobilised in action.
The dance of intention