The pivotal mutual sector

Mutual sector is a way of speaking of global civil society, emphasising the hands-on economic dimension of making a living economy, rather than a conventional political aspect in relation to the state and corporate life. Here we show how the mutual sector sits at the heart of making a living economy, through asserting dual power (the insurgent power of the commons) in the dance of provisioning. Mutuality also expresses the irreducible cultural and aesthetic nature of the forces marshalled in the formations of global civil society.

> Work in progress xxx

# Evolving a politics of dual power, from 'new social economy' > The rationale . . . Starting from Robin Murray's *Danger and opportunity*, shifting from a mapping of revenue distribution to a mapping of provisioning aka production, and translating 'the grant funded sector' into a genuinely historically significant field of forces: the mutual sector aka global civil society.

Murray 2009, *Danger and opportunity - Crisis and the new social economy*, Nesta. pdf , downloaded March 2018. Links broken: a copy exists locally at assetspdf .

The dance of provisioning - Four blobs (Murray 2009)

The dance of provisioning - Structured

Commoning at the heart of the dance aka struggle

The dance of provisioning - The pivotal mutual sector