
> Be aware, builders at work xxx

xxx Overall, the present assemblage is travelogue, of continuing journeying in class geography (in landscapes of power), into another millenium, in landscapes of distinct lived relationship with distinct kinds of stuff: material stuff, cultural stuff, affective stuff.

xxx Making the path by walking, 'phoning home'. Navigating, dead-reckoning, making landfall. Oceans, continents, terrain, earthmoving, tectonics. Landscape. Adventures in class geography - LTW, SoS, Location, Humble origins.

xxx recognising ‘where’ we may be (in what landscape, populated with what means or habitations), what we may be carrying and carried-by, and - in the moment's epiphany and liminality - what kind of step or arc might succeed the one in which, we notice, we presently are implicated: the possibility of a trajectory or pattern, even; or a tendency or quality of movement or grace. This is rather more than 'travelogue' usually implies! But here, we're not in the business of glamour or exoticism; this journalling and mapping and evocation is mundane, concerned with the quality of everyday life: tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.

> To be developed as a pattern, in zone ¿3 of the foprop pattern language.