Here we describe one of the two dimensions of the foprop frame: zones of reach. The zones are oriented to the way in which ripples of consequence and outcome spread themselves. For sufficient complexity and sufficient simplicity, four zones are distinguished.
Each zone calls upon a particular quality, origin or 'grain' of attention, and can be expected to influence practice either more widely or more narrowly, more diffusely (in wider ripples) or with greater immediacy and visible consequence. Some zones seem 'smaller' or 'larger' than others, more and less intractable or available in practice. But in a sense, all are 'the same size': **the size of a human awareness**. And 'the smallest' - 'in-here' - may in a sense not be much more tractable than the 'largest'; but it is, at least, the most immediately and persistently available.
For activist practice to be really deep and richly engaged and joined-up, actions need to be self-consciously and skilfully conducted in all four ¿zones, in parallel and in mutual relationship. The nature of skill, perception and capacity in each zone is distinctive, and it can be patchy. An aim in foprop is to help balance-up across the zones, and to join-up and mobilise different kinds of engagement and commitment, leading to a different scope and 'durèe' in the consequences of actions.
Four zones of proximity and reach form the vertical dimension of the foprop weave. The foprop weave - A container
<center><img width="100%" height="100%" src=""><br>Actions have consequences - Four zones of proximity & reach</center>
The four zones of reach are: Zone ¿1 - In-here (care work) Zone ¿2 - Here (subsistence work) Zone ¿3 - We (formación work) Zone ¿4 - Region (stewarding work) > The symbol ¿ is pronounced 'zone'
Here we consider one of four zones of reach: 'in-here'. This is the most intimate and labile; where each of us lives, and where capacity to live a life skilfully and well, in well-founded relationship, continuously originates. We address this as a practical matter of work in emotional commons, primarily in the §3 aesthetic landscape.
Here we consider one of four zones of reach: 'here'. This is the most mundane sphere, where we live our everyday lives in quotidian relationship, gain our subsistence and skilfully make material provisions for wellbeing. We address this as a practical matter of organising a real economy, primarily in the §1 material landscape.
Here we consider one of four zones of reach: 'we'. It is 'larger' than in-here and here, containing all the present or distributed, small or large communities of those who engage what we engage: here and now, or in other places and times. We address this as a practical matter of knowing & being capable in the collective, primarily in the §2 cultural landscape.
Here we consider one of four zones of reach: 'region'. It is the 'largest' and most intractable, extending across regions in time and geography, beyond knowable community, beyond horizons. We address this as a practical matter of Engaging beyond knowable community with the means of life and wellbeing of the grandchildren’s grandchildren. This kind of practice may pivot in any of the three §landscapes of practice: aesthetic, cultural and material
> To be extended xxx