Language of struggle is one of three basic modes of writing in this assemblage. It operates under the discipline of describing and invoking, as helpfully as possible, a repertoire of kinds of perception that can be usefully be brought to the dancing and weaving of an activist life. It's basic intention is to radically re-ontologise the world, and to help resolve what it takes to live an activist life 'well'.
Language(ing) of struggle - A main section of 'A book of skill'
The conceptual-ontological-aesthetic intention includes: - what is an activist life-world made up of (what are we in **relationships** with, and what kinds of skill does this call upon)? The scale of skill *Of course as humans we're continuously in direct practical and experiential relationships with many elements in the world. But as activists, we take here the view that we're engaged in radically altering relations of production, in all spheres.* foprop - Forces of production, relations of production
- what is the **performative** nature of skills and, - pivotally, what is the nature of the practice of mobilising of skill, **in dance**, into the flow of existence, enabling and inviting graceful performance, elegant arcs of trajectory, a remarkable quality of eventual weave, persistence of memory. Re-ontologising, graceful performance, persistence of memory - to be added xxx
Also - what, for goodness sake, does it mean to do this ‘well’? Doing stuff well - to be added xxx
> This is a stub - to be extended xxx For now, see Poetics
--- > The majority of what's initially in this wiki (April 2024) is 'language of struggle'. There's not a lot of Journal(ing), nor a very fully developed repertoire of patterns within the foprop frame Pattern language(ing). But the foprop frame has some pages here, and constitutes a halfway house between ontology-aesthetics (language of struggle) and operational pattern. The foprop frame - A container
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