Here we introduce the poetics of this practice - the aesthetic frame within which the work of writing is conducted and, behind that, the work of engagement in-here and out-there - the politics of (re)production, making a living economy - in furtherance of which the work of writing is performed.
Some elements can be seen as ontological: arising from what-there-is in the activist's world, and speaking of what our relationsips are, with this or that kind of stuff.
- Pluriverse, mutualising - Many worlds, in mutuality. `Regenerative activism` - From the margins - Decolonial vision & voice, making contra-hegemony. `Reparation`, `Remaking`. - to be added xxx - View from somewhere - In relationship. In a body among bodies. In a place in a time, among places and times. - to be added xxx - Engaging beyond knowable community - Structures of feeling - In-here is political - An actionable and deep-reaching version of 'the personal is political' and a movement beyond 'values' ('social' values). A follow-through on the 70s politics of 'la vie quotidien'. An adaptation from Raymond Williams' cultural materialism. An application of *sankhara* from Buddist theory of mind. Basis of zone ¿1 in foprop: care work. - To be added xxx - Travelogue(ing) - Making the path by walking, 'phoning home'. Navigating, dead-reckoning, making landfall. Oceans, continents, terrain, earthmoving, tectonics. Landscape. `Reporting`.
And some elements can be seen as methodological, arising from intentions, and concerned with performance (the dancing of the dance).
- Altered social relations - in all sectors of life. Pattern language, re-ontologising. `Regenerative activism`, `Regime change` - Language(ing) of struggle - Language of action, theory of practice, the practice of theory. 'No time out', analytical autobiography, faction. - to be added xxx - Language(ing) as politics - Re-ontologising, originating. Specifically, pattern language(ing) - to be added xxx - Storying - the storying of skill, the skill of storying and the storying of the practice of storying. Conversation. Being skillfully other to oneself. Imagining Prometheus, happy. - In-the-moment skilful intention - Vernacular capability - Tools for conviviality, Illich.