Seven Rs of mutual sector commitment

Here we describe 'seven Rs' of mutual sector commitment, and the rationale for this. The aim is to go Beyond the Fragments in civil society organising to make a living economy, and to develop a pluriverse of capability across the uneven development of global economy.

> This is a stub xxx

Here we develop a perspective on altered relations of cultural production - practices of knowing and capability - in terms of tools for conviviality. These oppositional forms of cultural production have emerged historically in struggles under capitalism, patriarchy, hijacking by professionals, colonisation, extractivism, consumerism, statism and other modes of supremacy.


Blessed unrest - Seven Rs of activist commitment

# Justice. Peace xxx Justice stands where 'class' did two generations ago, before decolonial complications, second-generation feminism, the post-Fordist hyper-appropriation of vernacular capability, the enormous bloat of the global super-rich, and modern poverty deployed by neoliberalism as a conscious weapon. An intention of justice

> Within a short-term tactical selection of topics in the foprop weave, matters of justice are engaged under 'Seven Rs' and pluriverse. Tactics in the foprop project

Here we highlight the centrality of justice - social as distinct from bourgeois-legal justice - in making a living economy: climate justice, design justice and reparations for harms done to peoples historically, by regimes of supremacy: colonisation, enclosure, epistemicide and genocide, development.

xxx Peace -> Violence (and non-violent mass action), fundamentalisms (and radical plurality/intersectionality), fascist confidence (and blessed unrest) An aspiration for peace

Here we highlight how the profoundly urgent matter of war and violence relates to making a a living economy, and the ways that peace and responses to present violence are in the foprop weave, across all zones of reach: care work, subsistence work, formaciĆ³n work, stewarding work.

# Seven Rs applied to design justice

Because pattern language is intrinsically a design language (for the continual design, review and remaking of radical practices), we are especially concerned here in foprop with design justice. Design justice

We frame this in terms of the Seven Rs of activist commitment: a way of seeing the pluriversal movements that enact our collective 'blessed unrest' with oppression, ugliness and harm. We use the Seven Rs as the warp (columns) of a weave, and as weft (rows) we run a numer of spheres of practical concern. The intention of design justice is to distribute design attention and subsequent practical provision fairly and strategically, across this entire space.


Seven Rs applied to design justice


Next: Rescue

DOT FROM preview-next-diagram STATIC strict digraph {rankdir=LR node [style=filled fillcolor=lightyellow penwidth=3 color=black fontname="Helvetica"] "Tactical selection of issues" node [style=filled fillcolor=lightblue] "Tactical selection of issues" -> "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" node [style=filled fillcolor=white] "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=3 color=black] "Tactical selection of issues" -> "Tactics in the foprop project" "Tactical selection of issues" -> "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" -> "Pattern families @ foprop" "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" -> "Blessed unrest in the face of clear and present danger" "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" -> "Paul Hawken" "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" -> "Seven Rs of mutual sector commitment" "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" -> "Rescue" "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" -> "Resistance" "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" -> "Wild commons" "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" -> "Deepening capacities of the heart" "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" -> "Reparation & reconciliation" "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" -> "110 Living gracefully within the doughnut" "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" -> "180 Transverse practice, weaving pluriverse" "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" -> "210 Breathing in wild nature" "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" -> "2B0 Prosthesis & symbiosis" "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" -> "4B0 Deep time, life time, sufficiency" "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" -> "Seven Rs of mutual sector commitment" "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" -> "Landscapes of practice" "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" -> "Material existence - Out-there and in-here" "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" -> "Zones of reach" "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" -> "The foprop weave - A container" "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" -> "Blessed unrest in the face of clear and present danger" node [style="filled,rounded,dotted" fillcolor=white] edge [style=dotted] "Tactical selection of issues" "A framework - The foprop weave" -> "Tactical selection of issues" "Making the living economy - the foprop weave" -> "Tactical selection of issues" "The foprop weave - A container" -> "Tactical selection of issues"}